A New Latitude of Learning
Organization: Father Kiiguta
Father Kiiguta, a Tanzanian priest serving in Chicago, possesses a sacred heart. He brings it home to watch the first graduation at a school he built there — a school named Sacred Heart.
It is a fundamental right of every child to receive an education. This is the mantra Fr. Avitus Kiiguta turned vibrant and real. Where once stood only a bush now stands tall the Sacred Heart Secondary School (SHSS), dedicated to teaching and uplifting orphans and children from the poorest families living in the three wards near his native village of Itoju.
The expansion of cities, depletion of natural resources, and onslaught of disease have eroded the local way of life. Parents in the region now view school as the lone hope for their kids — and for the future of their communities. In this age of globalization, education seems to be the best inheritance parents and a nation can bequeath their children, a legacy Fr. Kiiguta has bestowed upon the students now starting to graduate from his dream come true.
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