Paddle Together

Organization: Paradise City Dragon Boat

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  • Northampton, MA, USA

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Fitness. Camaraderie. Community. This is what propels the Paradise City Dragon Boat team of breast cancer survivors and supporters to paddle a 20-person boat down the Connecticut River.

An ancient sport started thousands of years ago in China, dragon boating was modernized in the 1970s and features fiberglass canoes with a dragon head and tail. Every individual on the team has an integral role to the operation of the dragon boat.

Survivorship meets sportsmanship

For the members of the Paradise City team, survivorship meets sportsmanship. Brought together by their experiences of fighting breast cancer, the dragon boat racing team is understanding and supportive of each other, while also providing the necessary muscle-building fitness in an exciting and rewarding sport.


impact impact

Paradise City Dragon Boat

Small Forces helped tell the story of two PCDB paddlers launching a new dragon boat team to support veterans. They received 5,000 dollars to start their new initiative, and then received more good news: the funder was so impressed with their cause that they doubled the donation to $10,000 dollars for this new team.

  • Buzz

    Featured in local media, presented at local Lion’s Club and breast cancer support groups